
'Music magazine research and planning

1) Research  music magazine cover key conventions . Look over the  magazine cover key conventions notes sheet  and write which of these you will use for your magazine cover. (This is a film magazine example but the conventions still apply). One of the magazine cover key conventions i'm going to use is that i'm going to use a Title of publication which is going to be on the top middle of the magazine and behind the central image. I'm also going to use a slogan to sum-up the magazine's image and to stick in the readers mind. I'm going to use a central image which is going to be a medium shoot.I'm also going to use colour scheme.    2) Find at least  five  music magazine front covers  (either current or former magazines as many have stopped their print editions) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (mainstream music audience). For each one, pick out  one design idea or convention  that you could use in your own print work. I like how the background is

Coursework Film Pitch

  1) What will be the title for your own original NEW horror film? If you're not sure, write down two or three possible titles and you can choose later. Shumbuck Lumbuck   2) Write a tagline for your film – it's effectively a slogan for the movie: Betcha Can't Drink Just One Clairvius Narcisse tetrodotoxin extract. 3) Write a logline – this is like a longer version of the tagline. It's one sentence that sums up the film and hooks the audience in under 25 words: A normal and peaceful town starts experiencing a zombie apocalypse and the townspeople are at a loss as to what to do. 4) Write down any existing horror films that are similar to yours ("My film idea is like a cross between Scream and Contagion"): Banana fish. 5) What is your narrative/storyline? Write a short paragraph that explains what happens in your film: Beginning:Once There was a family called The Stonks family and they were living a peaceful life. Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz was once an evil scien

Blog tasks: Daily Mirror case study

Language 1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages: Masthead: is a list at the top of a page that includes the names of editors, writers, and owners, as well as the title of the newspaper or magazine. Pug: Where the corner of the page is covered and usually has a buzzword inside of it. It is an incentive. Splash Head: An introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarises the article. Slogan: A  slogan  is a memorable motto or phrase used in a clan, political, commercial, religious, and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the goal of persuading members of the public or a more  defined  target group. Dateline: A  dateline  is a brief piece of text included in news articles that describes where and when the story was written. Kicker: a line of newspaper type set above a headline usually in a different typeface and intended to provoke interest in. Byline: who wrote th

Introduction to Newspapers: blog task

1)  What type of news can you typically find in a tabloid newspaper? The mainly report on major news and a bit of sports. 2)  What type of news can you typically find in a broadsheet newspaper? The mainly report on major news and a bit of sports. 3) If someone is left-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read? If someone is left wing they support labour.They would read The Daily Mirror. 4) If someone is right-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read? If they are left wing they support socialist.They would read The Times. 5) Why has there been a decline in newspaper sales in the last 20 years? Its because there was a massive rise in digital media. 6) Why is a free press important in a democracy like the UK? Its because newspaper editors can edit freely.

Learner response - blog tasks

1) Type up your feedback in full - WWW & EBI. You do not have to write your mark and grade if you don't want to. You need to use CLAMPS and give specific examples to prove your points. 2) Look at Question 3 in the assessment - the media analysis of the Under Armour advert. Point - The magazine denotes to the audience that he is in a boxing ring. C -  L -  A -  M -  P -  S -  3) Look at Question 4. What is Todorov's theory of equilibrium? How does it link to the Audrey Hepburn Galaxy advert?  4) What social class is Reveal aimed at? (Extension - what do the cover lines on Reveal suggest about what working class people are interested in?) 5) Pick three cover lines from Tatler that reflect upper class British culture and society. Explain what they suggest about the lifestyle and beliefs of upper class British people.

Doctor Who: Language and Representation blog tasks

  Language and close-textual analysis 1) Choose three key moments in the episode and write an NCIS analysis for those clips. You can use your notes from the screening in class.  Make specific, detailed references using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.) An Unearthly Child scene analysis Narrative:  This episode includes two teachers who both teach Susan Foreman a student that is really smart yet 'alien-like'. Susan convinces Ian(her science teacher) to follow Susan to which they follow her to a junkyard . Then they meet Susan's grandfather(The Doctor) a very confrontational man who they think kidnapped Susan. They barge through a police box door to find out that it was a space ship (TARDIS), both teachers then get stuck because the doctor closed the door on. This leads to an arguments which lead to the Doctor taking them to a different time. Character:  Ian Chesterton: Confident, Sceptical, Aggressive. Bar